Wednesday, March 19, 2014

God's Greater love & My changing Heart

Wow! What a fabulous weekend I had. I can see God changing my heart. I am truly satisfied with healthier foods. I never dreamed that would happen! We went to Spokane for Hubby's birthday which is a scary situation for me. When I've been in healthy eating mode in the past I just tried to avoid any situations that were out of my control. I'm successful when I plan but feel overwhelmed when I'm facing with many decisions that don't "fit" my plan. Oftentimes I've given in to the lie that it's "just on this trip" "This is a special occasion". This time Made to Crave words played in my head. "compromise builds on compromise".

I was blown away seeing God provide so many "healthy outs" for my eating options. For so many years I just haven't felt "worthy". I know God is super busy, right? He's dealing with wars and famines and truly BIG issues why would my food issues be of major importance? I felt guilty and unworthy to have to admit "God, I can't possibly do this on my own". Since yielding my food to Him I have seen his tender loving care in ways I never dreamed of!  I guess I'm just a slow learner because my whole life I've been reading how much God cares for me but I couldn't translate that from words to truly understanding it. God loves me so much that Hubby's first choice to eat at the buffet was discarded when we were in line with at least 25 people ahead of us waiting to pay. God loves me so much that I was able to enjoy some popcorn at the hockey game but then was prompted to hand it over to my husband to keep away from me. God loves me so much that I was able to eat Mongolian Grill and totally stay on my plan. God loves me so much that when I was tempted to eat a fried donut the steamer tray was empty. I can't even begin to imagine how many situations God has provided an escape route for me. Sometimes I took it, others I ignored him.

I am now defining my success not by dropping numbers on the scale, or shrinking inches but by my obedience to God. I am happily content. I'm not ecstatic about losing weight but feel contentment, peace and joy being obedient to God. It's a great place to be.



1 comment:

  1. Love this summary of all God's teaching you! It's a mighty work indeed!!! Thanks for being vulnerable in sharing. The encouragement and community has meant a lot!
