Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Because I am Loved

As people notice my shrinking body due to my weight loss I am asked "how did you do it?" I know that my friends and acquaintances are looking for a "weight loss method" or a "how to" lose weight. I have successfully lost weight in the past, only to gain half of it back. This time feels different and this time is different. My answer is to first mention that I do workout regularly and I do followed the Weight Watchers Simply Filling nutrition plan but that the real key is that I have finally learned to love myself. I also point out that God is finally getting it through my thick head how much He loves me and that I have worth to Him.                                                      

That said, I am still struggling with learning to accept God's love.

Just yesterday I wrote a prayer pouring out my heart to God that I long to fully experience His love in my life. I asked Him to heal my wounded heart, turn my fears into courage and infuse my heart and mind with his love. To help me to truly believe that He loves me unconditionally. I asked God to write a new label on my heart - not just "courageous" as I turn fear into courage but also to write "Beloved Daughter who is loved" on my heart. I asked Him to help me to stop coloring my future based on my past.


Tonight as I sat curled up with my "Limitless Life" book by Derwin Gray I began reading "From Addict to Free". I am humbled and reminded yet again of God's great grace to me that after spending the past 30+ years with a food addiction that I have experienced freedom and peace. How true the words that "substitute gods (feeding myself) promise freedom but only succeed in enslaving us". For years I have labeled myself with titles of shame, disgust, guilt and self loathing. The first key that Derwin lists to change our label from "Addict to Free" is "Know Who I am".

I am loved.


After writing out my prayer yesterday God showered me with His love. The thing I prayed for was addressed in what I read today.
God loves me so lavishly that he orchestrated the timing of my prayer with the reading of "Limitless Life". That speaks love to me. That shouts it from the rooftops!

I. Am. Loved.

As if that isn't enough, God made sure that I wouldn't doubt it was HIS voice speaking to me. I began reading my "Made to Crave" devotion by Lysa Terkeurst and Day 28 is titled "Because I am Loved".
When I got done sitting in stunned disbelief I could only marvel that the God of the universe wove the threads of my day, my month, my Bible study book, prayer thoughts and devotion to all point to the message that I am loved. The noise lies of the enemy chips away at the security of knowing I am loved but the God who loves me wanted to remind me that

"Even before he made the world, God loved us (me) and chose us (me) in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes". Ephesians 1:4

I am free and live with a heart of peace Because I am Loved.


  1. Praise the Lord!! Isn't Our God Amazing! Thank you for writing this post, I can feel your sincerity in each word! You are So Loved! Keep on Keeping on my friend.
    Blessings for this and everyday!

  2. Thank you so much! I loved reading how everything lined up together to let you know just how much you are loved by our Precious Father! It is so mind boggling to think of how He carefully orchestrates each detail of our lives and uses those details to speak volumes to us! Many Blessings to you!

  3. This is such a great post! You are loved and he does see us and meet us wherever we are!
    Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Beautiful post!! It is a tremendous blessing to know that you are loved-it enables you to walk in power and authority and bask in the perfect love that casts out all fear!! Keep living for Jesus!!

  5. This is an amazing post. I can really relate to similar struggles of not fully understanding God's love for me. I am just beginning to realize how not understanding this truly affects how I live and how I take (or don't) take care of myself. I think I will follow your example and start praying that God really help me to understand that I am loved and that I am important to Him. Thank you!

  6. I cannot even begin to express to you how this resonates deeply within my own labels and challenges and discouragements. As I sat to write my own labels after the post about Polly Oliver, the only one that reappeared time and again was "obsessive compulsive eater (aka food addict)." I couldn't (okay can't) get passed it because it looms so closely to the surface. I'm constantly repeating to myself that "I am worth more than this cycle of defeat" from the Made to Crave material. I have yet to read chapter two of Limitless Life, but with other positive tapes playing (you are more than your past mistakes from the song You Are More by Tenth Avenue North, Overcomer from Mandisa, a plethora of sayings from Made To Crave and even more so Scripture) I'm at least reminded that, though I struggle accepting what God the Father has to say, I have at least not given up. All that to say, thank you for sharing this script. It's another step forward to hearing the voice of truth.

  7. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Love reading your blog and truths of how God is so faithful to give us what we need when we need it and before we need it sometimes. I was in the perfect study when my Mom died last year and when we had a grandson later with complications OBS was leading me thru another. God knew months in the past just what I would need. Thanks for sharing. Debbie W. (Proverbs 31 OBS Ministry Team)

  9. Beautiful! I cherish these stories of people who struggle, just like me, and find themselves tripping over God's abundant love. I pray I'll see how high and deep and wide his love is for me...having a hard time, but I pray this book will lead me there.

  10. I so very much needed to read this today. Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. How very cool to have God speak those words to you, and confirm that it was really Him! You truly are a "Beloved daughter who is loved" we share an amazing Father, who longs for us to believe this truth! <3

  12. Wow ... Thank you for sharing!

  13. Isn't it wonderful how God works? Thank you for sharing! :)
