Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Guest At Pity Party Central

So I'd like to be honest and say that I have never been a guest at Pity Party Central. Or I could lie and say that I haven't wallowed there in a long time. I could even deny the times I've said I didn't feel deprived but I did. The plain truth is that Ive been a more frequent guest at the Pity Party than living empowered in God's strength. I have tried to convince myself that the lies I told myself were true. I've said "just one more won't matter". I've believed the whispers of satan that I have sunk so far I should just give up. I have joked that I couldn't hear God's voice over the rustle of the candy bar wrapper. A few months ago God quietly whispered into my heart "I am bigger than anything you are facing. You have no strength but if you are willing to take a small step of obedience I will show you how to live in my strength.

Recently my husband went with me to the grocery store. On a Saturday. At noon. The Deli counter is packed, fried oil smells wafting through the store. We headed down the "healthy" produce aisle and I am lured by the donuts in the glass counter. The donuts decorated with the lovely fluffy frosting and the array of dazzling sprinkles. Who puts donuts across from the produce for crying out loud!? Don't they KNOW that is a temptation. Well, yes... they're hoping I'll buy one... or a dozen. I'm avoiding making direct eye contact with all of the lovely treats in the store when all of the sudden I notice a Snickers bar nestled between my fat free milk and broccoli.
I give him the "wife stare". I ask him "is that on your diet?" (Hey, if I'm eating healthy I love him enough to help him too, right?) He says "no". I'm thinking to myself surely he will put it back? I desperately want to add another to it, maybe one of those giant bars! He doesn't put it back.
We check out and the instant we get in the truck he unwraps it.  Doesn't he know how difficult this is for me? I'm feeling resentful and a little ticked off. Then I switch to the virtuous thought of "at least I will be eating healthy!" I mean, REALLY, can't he wait to eat it? or offer me a bite? He takes a few bites and suddenly God reminds me of two things.
I was made for more. I'm not that girl anymore.


In that moment all of the jealousy, resentment, self pride and lust for the food melted away. God's peace flooded over me. The feelings of being deprived were replaced by feelings of worth. I am God's creation. I was made for more. Being on God's "guest list" is far better adventure than a guest at pity party central!

God, who gets invited
to dinner at your place?
How do we get on your guest list?
Psalm 15:1 The Message 



  1. Hello!!! I know you haven't posted this on the blog hop yet, but I stumbled across it when I saw your comment from my last entry. WAY TO GO!!! Cling to #truth and don't listen to the "unfair fairy" whispering in your ear!! We all know that fairy is just a wolf in sheep's clothing. Here's to another great week! God bless ~ Miriam of .

    1. I seriously have a picture a wolf with fairy wings, dressed like a sheep in my head at this moment! LOL! God bless you and you have another great week as well! God is good.

  2. Huzzah for you overcoming that temptation! It's doubly hard when someone you are with isn't under the same convictions as you! I loved your statement "I couldn't hear God's voice over the rustle of the candy bar wrapper." I have so been there! I didn't WANT to heard God's voice over the wrapper because He might remind me that I was looking for comfort in the wrong place! Keep pressing on to the goal before us!

    1. Thanks Lina! Isn't that the truth... we don't hear God's voice because we don't want to make changes. I'm so thankful that He patiently waits for those of us who are rustling the candy bar wrapper! Have a blessed week.

  3. It is overwhelming when God finally answers is such a definite way. It gives us the strength to press on!

    1. Oh that is SO true! I started blogging because God has given me so many instances of inserting His truth into my food addiction in the past months. It's been a wild journey, but amazing! It definitely gives us strength to press on. My prayer is that He will use my words to encourage someone else. God Bless!

  4. I love your moment of remembering you were made for more. That's the one phrase that has popped into my head these past few weeks! It's powerful!

    1. Isn't that an awesome phrase? It has resonated within me this study. I also have hung onto the conference call statement of "I'm not that girl anymore". Letting go of the old and putting on the new in God's strength. Have a blessed week!

  5. Thank you so much for your post! Right now I am in the middle of a pity lies and literally begging the tears not to come. I am in awe of how Jesus just puts exactly what I need at the right time. I love what you wrote "I am bigger than anything you are facing. You have no strength but if you are willing to take a small step of obedience I will show you how to live in my strength." I have been taking one small step after another and I will continue to take another. It was so encouraging to read this because I am NOT that girl anymore...I have already taken that small step and I am made for more!

  6. My husband is one of those guys that says he's going to stop drinking pop & loses 5 pounds. Pity party here we go! I related to your post so much in fact I was laughing sure I've had that exact experience. Thanks. Stela - OBS Small Group Leader.
