Thursday, February 6, 2014

Delighting in Obedience ????? Yes, really!

When it comes to the topic "Delighting in Obedience"  I'll be brutally honest with you. In the not so distant past I wouldn't have combined "delighting" with "obedience" in the area of my eating. I delighted in huge spoonfuls of chocolate chip cookie dough. I delighted in 1/2 a pan of warm brownies. I delighted in handfuls of peanut M & M's. Don't get me wrong there are many areas of my life that I delight in being obedient to the Lord but my eating wasn't one of them! Perhaps that is why my food choices wounded my heart so deeply. I desired obedience but wasn't being obedient.

The first thing that I noticed when I gave God control of my eating was the peace that flooded me. I no longer have a war within. The war that "selfish me" waged against the me who wanted to live for God. That war was a cycle of deprivation, binge, insecurity, defeat, guilt, and shame. The shame of being out of control and knowing that I was made for more but not believing it enough to really trust God to change me from the inside out.

We are accustomed to measuring our success by particular things. We enjoy the tangible rewards but I think that what we are secretly hoping for is affirmation and to hear "well done". It's far too easy to let the number on the scale define us. It almost becomes a game each week when we are faithfully following our healthy eating plan. I have twice been within 15-20 lbs of my goal weight (losing up to 70 lbs to get there) only to have the scale not move for several weeks and my motivation disappears like the cookie dough from the bowl. My "obedience" was only to follow the plan until I lost the weight but without a deeper purpose it didn't last. When the number on the scale hit that plateau my "healthy lifestyle" deteriorated and left. The number on the scale became my defining voice. It spoke words like "Fat, Failure, Futile".  The defining voice I now seek is the One which will say "well done, good and faithful servant".

These days I measure my obedience by "Did I make healthy choices today"? "Was I obedient to what God was telling me:?  "Am I using what He is teaching me for His glory"?  I am building a firm foundation. Each day, every choice that I am yielded to Him, and obedient to what He tells me, my peace and self worth grow. The cycle of guilt, sneakiness, defeat, shame and giving up has gone. In its place I am growing closer to Him and listening to what He is telling me in all areas not just those that I "choose" to be obedient in. This time when I hit that particular number on the scale I have a firm foundation of trust in what He has brought me through this far. I believe His voice that I am "Beautiful, Blessed, Beloved."

If you haven't done so yet make it your hearts' greatest desire to truly be obedient to God for the long haul. Not just to lose the weight and then go back to the way that you were living. A good friend always says "Nothing changes if nothing changes". Words that have proven to be true over and over. Seek the closeness of God and an increased desire to be obedient in all areas. Change from the inside out. Then watch your beautiful heart blossom and change before your eyes. Watch your obedience become a delight!

There's a saying "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels". I can't speak to that since I don't have the experience of the "thin" yet. What I can speak to is that "Nothing tastes as good as resting peacefully in the Lord feels". I leave you with this prayer.

"God I want to be obedient to you and what you want for me. I don't want this to be about food but about my relationship with you. I want more of you when I'm tired, when I'm frustrated, when I'm bored or lonely or hurt or upset or any other reason I overindulge in anything. I want to turn to you first in every situation. Flood my unsatisfied, empty dry places with you and with your love. Give me self worth in you. I am beautiful to you. You made me special, loved and worthy. Wrap your arms around me and surround me with  your peace and your love. Amen"

1 Peter 1:13-16 MSG So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; you be holy.”


  1. It truly is amazing, that feeling of peace that washes over you when we are obedient to God. Suddenly the temptation in the moment seems so much smaller, because God is so much's no longer a number on the scale, or the opinion of others, it's God's voice you hear whispering to you that you are his beloved daughter. There isn't a greater feeling then obedience to God..

  2. AMEN!! Oh my goodness, you put that so well. You've got me excited to continue. Thank you. (Stela, OBS Small Group Leader)

    1. Thanks Stela! :) It's a pretty exciting journey when God gets our attention.

  3. So encouraging! And SO well put! Thank you for the post! ~ Miriam of

    1. Thank you Miriam! May God bless you on your journey of obedience.
